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Downtown L.A. – "Shopping"

Alley Cats

Everyone in SoCal knows or has heard of the districts in Downtown Los Angeles. There is a shopping area for everything you can think of:


Toys District

Flowers District

Fabric District

Fashion District

Jewelry District

Carly called me earlier in the day and suggested a trip to the alleys for beads, eyelashes, hot dogs, and random products. B was non stop about her friend’s birthday gift…so we had to stop at any stand/store that had Hello Kitty in it. She bought tshirts, wallet, nail polish, and a cute trash can.

Ive never seen so much fake makeup in my life. The bunk M.A.C. had really cute packaging but I knew it was all as fake as Britney Spear’s hair.

The thing to look for is the label on the back or bottom of the product. The faces are usually white, clear, or gray. M.A.C. has a black label. There are are so many things down to the way the eyeshadow is pressed into the palettes. Open your eyes chicas!

There was so many nail products! Above are jars of foils and glitters for acrylic nails and also nail pens. Below are the ever so popular crackle style nail polishes in different colors for $5.

Jude was being a good sport, and I rewarded him with a bubble gun. It got everywhere and Carly wanted to kill herself because she didn’t want her UGGS to get messed up.

I almost died when I saw that Tutti Frutti had Guava flavor frozen yogurt! It was so refreshing on such a great day. Later that day it rained men when I was on my way home so it was perfect timing.

I don’t think I am sexy in the slightest…I just thought this was funny haha. I did buy these shirts, 2 for $10. A couple of weeks before my friend Crystal bought Jude the Muno shirt (red). They had Yo Gabba Gabba dolls too! On our way back to the car we came across a store that had tons of great stuff for $1 and no tax! Eyelashes, makeup, nail polish, flowers for your hair, accessories and TONS of rings!

I had to hold myself back and took home these 3 bad boys. If you are friends with me on Facebook, you would know I have been over doing it with eye lashes. I placed my second order on ebay and then when I saw this display I almost died.

I got a few of each of these styles at $1 a pc which is amazing. I love Red Cherry Lashes, but after IMATS last year I have special spot on my face for Miss Adoro Lashes too. Haha.

Years ago, Carly and I went to a Mark Ryden Exhibit ( he is one of my favorite artists).

This is one of his pieces.
Carly saw this and thought I would like it so I had to have it!
OMG okay so you cant go to “Alley” without something fake…intentional or not…but I saw this and I thought it was RALPH by Ralph Lauren. I got tricked ahaha.
She told me it was $12 and I was sold! Then she was saying Alpha and I looked at the bottle and I was cracking up. Oh well it smells the same.

I wore this scent years ago and every time I smell it, it brings back memories.



It was a good, it was a super way…to spend time together

– The Fresh Beat Band


We had a great day. Since I moved away I haven’t had that much time with Carly and B and I hope that will change soon. They are so much fun to be around and I know you all love them too.

Also on the calendar…Palm Springs this week!! I will make sure that we go live on BlogTv and take plenty of pictures.
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