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Halloween came early!

Pumkins at the Pumpkin Patch
Lately I have been trying to keep active and do fun things with Jude. Ive been talking pumpkins for a while and today was the day. Who goes to a pumpkin patch in the rain??
There were tons for kids to do, but like I just stated, it was raining and everything was wet!
Huge slides and moon jumpers. Jude immediately saw them and pointed at them. I wonder if he remembered them from his birthday.
Jude was checking out all of the little pumpkins that were light enough for him to pick up.
They even gave us a wagon to haul our pumpkins and even my Dunka haha.
Dunka Kisses!
Jude wanted out of the wagon as soon as the kiss picture was taken. Then he was trying to push the wagon instead of riding in it ahah.
Now off to visit with the animals…yes, animals at the pumpkin patch!
This first guy looked friendly but he was working up a nasty spit. The guy that was watching us with the animals warned us that he had amazing aim, I was quick to get the heck away from him.
Jude loved it! He was cracking up on all of the different animals: goats, chickens, pigs, horses, and more. There was even a hungry sheep that was nibbling at my scarf, I was screaming and Jude was laughing!
Before we got home, I realized that I forgot to buy a carving kit. Carly saw them the last time she went to the 99CENTS Store, so we picked up a couple.
I got started with Jude’s pumpkin and it was full of seeds!
There are some fruits that I cant remember what they are called to save my life but they remind me of small pumpkins and there are so delicious. Help me out, if you know what they are called leave the name in the comments please.
Jude is so curious and is at the stage where he puts everything in his mouth, and he gave his pumpkin top a quick lick!
He even tried to put a seen in my mouth haha.
Hes focused on getting all the seeds and “guts” out with the little shovel that came in the kit.
It was starting to warm up in the house, so I took off Dunka’s pants. He looked so cute with his pamper butt and little socks.
To bring this post to a close…we wanted to toast the seeds.
I couldn’t find the cookie sheets for the life of me so I used small cake pans instead. I covered them with a layer of foil and lightly salted my seeds.
Put the oven to 350 degrees and let the seeds get nice and toasty. They usually keep their white color, so you don’t have watch for a brown or golden color like you would most things you might put in the oven.
The mistake that I made was that I didn’t wait for them to cool before I bagged them and they got soggy! So let them completely cool before you store them.
I’m sure there will be a few more Halloween posts to come this month.
Like always, I hope you enjoyed reading about a moment into my life.
*Latina Kisses*

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